The Red Flag

In the Red Flag paintings , Aizenshtat asks the viewer to look beyond any political
and philosophical outlook and discuss about the man itself and the obvious human rebellion against the lack of justice and equality.

In the Red Flag paintings , Aizenshtat asks the viewer to look beyond any political and philosophical outlook and discuss about the man itself and the obvious human rebellion against the lack of justice and equality.

The theme of the red flag is repeated in several of my works. The way I express essence through color is completely intuitive. White symbolises existence, and black is the absence of being. I associate yellow with time, blue with space, and red symbolises matter.

The Red Flag, 2018
150х250 cm (59.05x 98.42 in),
oil on canvas

The Red Flag,2018
150х250 cm (59.05x 98.42 in), oil on canvas

The image of the red flag, which refers to the communist movement, is not connected with any of my philosophical or political views. On the one hand, I do not share communist views at all, but on the other hand, I am not an opponent of communism. I am an apolitical person. I am not in solidarity with the rebellion, with the revolution – neither from a political nor from a moral point of view, it does not matter in which country. But I am interested in the very phenomenon, the very drama of the uprising against injustice, against exploitation.

This is similar to how lions feed on herbivores, although herbivores can be stronger than lions and sometimes it could turn to a fight.